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Let’s talk about … Being labelled ‘introvert’ or ‘extrovert’: the challenges & benefits in finance

Many of us may have been described as, or have heard the terms 'introvert' and 'extrovert' thrown around in casual conversation, but how do these labels affect us in the financial services industry sector? Does being classified as one or the other pose a problem? Understanding the key differences between introverts and extroverts, whether this behavioural preference is learned or ingrained in our psyche, as well as the benefits and challenges each trait presents, can shed light on these questions.

Firstly, let's define the terms. Introverts are often described as individuals who gain energy from solitude and introspection. They tend to prefer smaller groups and one-on-one interactions, finding large social gatherings overwhelming or draining. On the other hand, extroverts thrive in social situations, finding energy and stimulation from being around others. They enjoy large groups, networking events, and often have a more outgoing and expressive nature.

Are these traits learned or ingrained in us? Research suggests that both genetics and environment play a role in determining whether someone leans towards introversion or extroversion. Some individuals may have a natural inclination towards one or the other, while others may develop certain traits based on their upbringing, experiences, or cultural background. It is important to note that introversion and extroversion exist on a spectrum, and most people fall somewhere in the middle rather than being strictly one or the other.

Now, let's explore the benefits and challenges of each trait in the business world. Introverts often possess excellent listening skills, introspection, and attention to detail. They tend to be thoughtful decision-makers, taking the time to analyse information and consider multiple perspectives. Introverts also excel in tasks that require focused concentration and independent work. Their ability to work well alone can lead to increased productivity and creativity. Talented actuaries , risk managers, analysts , compliance managers, IT managers may find their preferences fall into this category, to name but a few, although there are always the exceptions, of course!

Introverts typically may face challenges when it comes to networking, self-promotion, and public speaking. These activities can be mentally and emotionally draining for introverts, who may struggle with assertiveness or putting themselves forward. In a business culture that often values extroverted qualities like charisma and assertiveness, introverts may find it harder to advance or be recognized for their contributions.

On the other hand, extroverts thrive in social settings and are often natural networkers. They excel at making connections, building relationships, and expressing their ideas confidently. Their outgoing nature can make them excellent team players and leaders, as they are comfortable taking charge and engaging with others. In a business environment that values collaboration and teamwork, extroverts may find it easier to navigate and succeed. I've seen many a customer facing role such as broker, sales and business development managers, relationship managers (again to name but a few), fit into this category. again, there are always the exceptions!

Extroverts may sometimes struggle with active listening, as their focus is often on expressing themselves rather than fully absorbing others' viewpoints. They may also be prone to impulsive decision-making, as their preference for action and quick thinking can sometimes overshadow careful consideration. Additionally, extroverts may find it challenging to work in solitude or with limited external stimulation, as their energy derives from social interactions.

Being labeled as an introvert or an extrovert can pose both advantages and challenges in financial services and the business world at large. Understanding and appreciating the strengths of each trait can help individuals find ways to leverage their natural inclinations while also developing skills to compensate for any limitations. Ultimately, success in the business world depends on a diverse range of personalities and perspectives, and embracing both introverted and extroverted qualities can lead to a more balanced and harmonious work environment.

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Contact me directly if you’d like to have a chat about anything specific that you find tricky if you've been labelled as 'introvert' or 'extrovert', or any questions you may have. Connect with me on LinkedIn, or via my email

Best wishes as always



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